Tax Twerk

Accountant and Business Consultant.
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Tax Twerk is a disruptive venture from UK based entrepreneur, Ruth Noel.

Ruth began her career in accounting & tax, without realising that lead generation and sales strategy were her inspiration. However, it turned out to be a match made in heaven. Ruth has over 5 years experience in business and a passion for helping small business owners to make money.
Based on Ruth’s vision our mission is very simple; to help small business owners put more money in their bank accounts. We do this through services that increase wealth, such as tax savings, lead generation, sales training, investment funding, as well as digital marketing, and technology. Working with carefully selected partners we are able to offer free consultations, affordable payment plans or completely free trials.

What We Do
Offering money strategies through the web and phone, Tax Twerk is committed to our mission of helping small business owners to make money, and also generate prospects, leads, appointments and potential clients every single day.

We’re a highly motivated and, positive start-up operating from Luton, UK, with a support team in the Philippines to offer advice, consultations, surveys and generate interest in our partner services.

The Difference
We sell your value, but we never sell. Unlike conventional telemarketing agencies we are never trying to sell a particular item or service to any individual or force a decision. This might work for PPI and personal injury, but not for us. Ruth started off in business and tried dozens of telemarketing solutions, but none of them got the results that we get for small business owners now.

It’s a service that combines the best. It combines the best of massive action, it combines the technology, and it combines the personal touch. We created a solution that builds the relationship and invites clients to get in front of you or see the value you have to offer. This is ten times more effective at getting you exposure. We are finding out the type of person most likely to buy and the factors that are important to them to have a meeting with you or try your product.

We put our heart into this service. We are unusually disruptive, passionate and very, very focused on the importance of sales. We follow a logical process and detailed clear steps. Yet our style is unmistakably Tax Twerk.

Are you on the look out for more clients?
If you’re looking for more clients, get in touch with me today to see if we’re a great fit to serve you. Contact us to apply as a partner.

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